Wednesday, November 13, 2024

What if Jim was named “Scranton’s sexiest salesman”? [a parody inspired by “The Office”]

Earlier today, John Krasinki was named this year’s sexiest man alive by People magazine.
While he’s since found success with the franchise “A Quiet Place” (acting as well as directing) and Amazon’s Jack Ryan series, most people including myself will always associate him with the US version of The Office.
I’m sure I’m not going to be the only person thinking this but I’ll say it anyway- it’s too bad The Office ended before it got a chance to use this announcement to inspire a storyline. While I don’t know the series quite as well enough to write a full screenplay, I thought it’d be fun to explore how this cast of characters would react to the news.

Just as quick side-note, this is probably the first honoree I'd been genuinely excited about in a long time. First because it was unexpected but also I have a soft spot for him for a unique reason.
Ages ago, I had a dream where he saved me from some bad people and I bought into his Jack Ryan series because of that. I hadn't dreamt about him before or since but it sticks in my memory to this day... however little I still remember of it. Of course that was the one dream where a random celebrity had a cameo and I didn't bother writing it down, lol

So, suppose Jim Halpert won some sort of prestigious award with “sexiest” in the title— I personally like the idea of “Scranton’s sexiest salesman” because that was his job at the office and alliteration is always fun— how would his coworkers at Dunder Mifflin react to the news?

Obviously this would be at a point in the series before Steve Carell left… and Jim and Pam are together (finally!) but not yet married.

Jim would take it in stride and remain unassuming and humble but crack the occasional smile.

Pam would be happy for him, of course, but might progressively get concerned about the attention he’s getting from it.

The episode either ends with her either doing something special for him and he says “that’s really sweet but you don’t have to do this”
Or he does something special for her because “as long as we get to be together, nothing else matters.” Either way, it’s sure to be sappy and perfectly on brand for the two of them.

Michael Scott would predictably make this into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. He’ll make a reference to it at every opportunity and might even commission the party committee (Pam, Angela and Phyllis) to make banners and put together a party to celebrate. Whatever he winds up doing, it’s clear that he cares about it more than anyone else because he tends to take credit for the accomplishments of his employees.

Dwight- first, his initial reaction has to be “dammit, Jim!” (I swear that phrase in his voice lives rent free in my mind, haha)
But he’ll make a series of snide comments to his coworkers (Angela will hear the most of it) dismissing the honor. Questioning if it even exists or how inept would the panel have to be to choose Jim to win it.
But ultimately he’s just jealous he hadn’t won because it’s just another thing Jim has that he doesn’t.

Angela would get sick of hearing about it really quickly. If Michael insists on a party, she’ll refuse to help plan it. Make a comment about being a good salesman has nothing to do with how good looking they are. But in confession she’ll say that Dwight would be her choice to win because him doing his job as well as he does is what she’d consider sexy (“but don’t tell him I said that”)- I’m not sure if they were together or not in this point in the series. Considering Dwight is jealous of Jim’s success, they probably aren’t.

Oscar would be equally as cynical as Angela about it but for a different reason. He didn’t come out until after Jim and Pam got engaged so he wouldn’t speak to this point, but if he did, he’d comment how these type of awards always go to straight good looking white guys.

Kevin’s comments would all be slightly inappropriate.
Between him, Kelly and Meredith (the two girls would be congratulatory and complementary in their own ways, Meredith being over the top as usual), the chatter leads to Pam getting uncomfortable and second guessing things.

Toby would be happy for Jim but in confession he’d be dismissive because he’s jealous that Pam is with Jim. (I remember at least one instance where he mentioned having a crush on Pam but I’m not sure if he ever acted on those feelings)

Phyllis would be pleasantly happy for Jim and Pam and just say her husband is still the sexiest man in her life.
Stanley would roll his eyes. Michael would try to get him to care about it and he isn’t having any of it.
Creed would make one fleeting outlandish comment and never make another appearance in the episode. A lot of the time, that’s his one contribution.

Ryan, I have no idea so I wouldn’t include him at all.
I’ve never seen the series in chronological order so I never know what is going on with his character. He starts out as an intern and Michael positions himself as a father figure that treats him extra special. At one point he even becomes manager of the company but he also does a couple of business ventures that go south and ruin his reputation. I don’t know whether I should like him or hate him.
The only thing I’m clear about is that he and Kelly deserve each other because they’re constantly on and off in their relationship.

Andy, I can definitely see looking into this award and planning his campaign for next year.
He’s another character I never quite figured out. I know he was introduced when the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin absorbed the Stamford branch (where Jim left to work for a short time) and he was in a love triangle with Angela and Dwight before developing feelings for Erin. He was in another love triangle with her and Gabe and she ultimately chose Andy. But then he became office manager after Michael left and lost all credibility when he left his job (and Erin) to go on a voyager with his boat.
Again, if I’d seen the series chronologically I’d have a better idea of how I feel about him.
I’ve read comments online from people saying Andy was very likable but after a while he changed and nobody liked him anymore. But for me, I don’t think I ever has a time watching the series when Andy didn’t annoy the hell out of me. He and Erin are meant to be, just like all the great couples in the series. Jim and Pam, Dwight and Angela, Kelly and Ryan… but beyond that, I never found him likable. He’s either being uber competitive with someone I like better or he breaks into song for no apparent reason. I want to scream “omg, just talk like a normal person!” Michael already does the impression thing enough for everyone in the office. It’s not always to my personal enjoyment but when Andy does it, it never is.

Last but not least, Erin is probably the only other person other than Pam who’s genuinely happy about the news and has no hidden agenda or side comments about it.

Of course I'm among the many people who are kinda bummed that the actors who played Jim and Pam didn't get togethr in real life because they made such a cute couple.
But John and Emily Blunt are a great pair as well. She's lucky to have such a great guy in her life. Then again, she probably didn't need a silly title like "Sexiest Man Alive" to tell her that. 

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