codename: e.e. cummings
notable nomination-
golden globe for supporting actress shirley maclaine
director- curtis hanson
type- chick flick
notable cast:
rose- toni colette
maggie- cameron diaz
simon stein- mark feuerstein
ella hirsh- shirley maclaine
first off, i'd like to say ahead of time that i apologize
for putting so many estrogen-heavy films
next to one another on this list.
this happened completely by accident,
but i regard each and every one of them equally.
in the spirit of the e.e. cummings poem maggie reads to rose
at the end of this movie, i'll write this entry in his unique style
although, regrettably, i have yet to make good on my promise to myself
that i would read more of his works
this is one of several films my family and i love to go back to time and time again
i believe it was one of the many in-flight movies my dad saw over the years while traveling overseas
he pledged it as a "sister" movie, something my mom and i can relate to quite a bit
she's one of 8 sisters in a family of 12 and i have a sister 3 yrs my junior
in homage and also because it's one of the most touching moments in the film
my mom read that e.e. cummings poem at the wedding of my cousin
who happens to be her godson
anyone well versed in proverbs knows the old saying that [more or less];
you won't truly know someone until you walk a mile in their moccasins
that saying is where the movie gets its title and for good reason:
sisters rose and maggie have the same shoe size,
a fact that infuriates rose in the early parts of the movie
especially when one pair winds up with the heel replaced with chewing gum
both women represent different walks of life:
rose is the responsible one with job security
maggie is the partygirl [seeming] who drinks and sleeps around a lot
the film begins with her being dissatisfied with maggie,
not wanting to be responsible for taking care of her all the time.
maggie has scarcely a care in the world, but hates
how rose judges her all the time
from both pov's, i can relate.
im the older sister not always a fan of that role
but deep down i know its something that comes with the job
i relate a little more to maggie, though
i feel really bad for her in the scenes early on
where rose seems unwilling to give her a chance
and believes that she'll always be a screw-up
maybe its cameron diaz's magnetism
or i just wanted to see her character succeed and overcome herself
we actually have very little in common with our personality-types and such
everything that could go wrong, does, for maggie before the relationship is pushed to its limit
she flunks an interview as an MTV VJ because she had trouble keeping up with the teleprompter
she takes care of dogs at a shelter, but accidentally takes one home...
rose's car got towed because she parked it in an illegal space
a couple of guys help her break it out
she has to fight one of them off when he tries to come onto her
rose finds the boot still on her car
but jumps to the obvious conclusions
when maggie tries to explain things to her
the final straw is when maggie sleeps with rose's boyfriend
and she has no choice but to kick her out of the house
maggie goes to her father's house to look for money
and finds some inside birthday cards from a grandmother she never met
she decides to track her down to her Florida retirement community
between the reviews and the golden globe nomination,
there is a lot of love for Shirley MacLaine in this film.
this was actually my first time seeing her in anything
and i feel in love just easily as everyone else
most of which had known of her years/decade before i did
ella is a very sweet woman, but she is as tough as they come
she has a no-nonsense attitude about her that you gotta admire
maggie spends the first couple days lying about by the pool
threatening to give all the male inhabitants heart attacks
wearing bikinis and halter-tops and such
strangely enough, i hate it when girls and women who show their bodies off like that
it makes me insecure with my own physique [at 5'4" and about 135lb]
but with these scenes with cameron diaz, i admire her and wish i looked that good
she isn't smug or stuck-up about showing off her body... she's just comfortable in it
when ella has maggie take care of different tasks at the senior's center,
she learns how to become a better reader when a retired school teacher (played by Norman Lloyd)asks her to read poetry to him
she reads "one art" by elizabeth bishop
and he asks her to tell him what it means
... great couple of scenes, one of the best parts of the movie
and she also establishes a business for herself,
becoming a personal shopper for the women of the community
mrs. lefkowitz (francine beers) was the first one she helped
and afterwards, everyone else wanted her help
she's got an attitude almost as wiley as ella, but a very sweet little old lady
meanwhile back in philly, rose quits her law firm
inadvertently starts a dog-walking business
to cover up the fact maggie accidentally took one of the dogs home
and gets into a relationship with this lawyer, simon
played a sensible mark feuerstein
she finds out where maggie went,
demands, from her father, to know why they didn't know about this grandmother
he explains that they disagreed when it came to her mother, caroline
caroline died in a car accident years ago, which is suggested to be a suicide
she suffered from bi-polar disorder
ella, her mother, wanted her to stay on her meds
but caroline decided after a certain point that she couldn't live in that fog they caused anymore
rose and maggie's reconciliation comes at the heels of rose's engagement to simon
and her bridal shower where her stepmother humiliates her
they come to understanding with one another and eventually become closer than ever
the final scene is where maggie reads the poem at rose and simon's wedding
and to finish off this entry, I'll post it here
also, fyi:
my next two movies happen to star the same actress, one of my personal favorites, so i'm going to post my discussions about them in two entries next week
hope u enjoyed this entry and feel free to leave your comments below.
"i carry your heart with me"
by e.e. cummings
i carry your heart with me(i
carry it in
my heart)i am never without
i go you go,my dear;and
whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my
no fate(for you are my fate,my
sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are
my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a
moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always
sing is you
here is the deepest secret
nobody knows
(here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a
tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or
mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's
keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it
in my heart)
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